Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana - Vol. 25 - Núm. 89

Evaluation of Collaborative Efforts All studies, articles, essays, notes, debates and interviews received by the journal will be arbitrated by members of national and international arbitration committees who are well known internationally for their professionalism and knowledge in their respective fields of learning. Their decisions will not be made public. Publication of articles requires the approval of at least two arbitrators. According to the evaluation norms, the following aspects will be taken into consideration: originality, novelty, relevance, theoretical and methodological quality, formal structure and content, grammatical competence, style and comprehension, results, analysis, criticism, and interpretations. Presentation of and rights of authors and co-authors Studies and Articles can be presented by one author or two co-authors. The principal author must sign the letter of presentation and direct it to the Editorial Committee, requesting the evaluation of the article for possible publication. A brief curriculum vitae should accompany the request (one for each author in the case of co-authors), and indicate personal and institutional information, as well as most recent publications. The copyright becomes the property of the University of Zulia. For reproduction, re-prints and re-editions of the article by any mechanical or electronic means, permission must be requested from the University of Zulia. The authors will receive an electronic copy of the journal plus the respective publication certifications.